速報APP / 工具 / XPrivacy pro license fetcher

XPrivacy pro license fetcher





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:VDE 194, Dordrecht, The Netherlands

XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖1)-速報App

This application allows you to fetch an XPrivacy pro license.

You can fetch a temporary XPrivacy pro license right away and after two hours you can fetch a permanent XPrivacy pro license. A permanent XPrivacy pro license is required to access the crowd sourced restrictions: https://crowd.xprivacy.eu/ Fetching an XPrivacy Pro license requires an active internet connection, but using an XPrivacy Pro license does not. See here for more information about the pro license: http://www.xprivacy.eu/

XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖2)-速報App

To use an XPrivacy pro license, you should install a recent version of XPrivacy, for example using the XPrivacy installer: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=biz.bokhorst.xprivacy.installer

The pro license fetcher will not work if Lucky Patcher, Freedom or similar is being used to bypass license verification!

XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖3)-速報App

For support on the pro license fetcher, use the support button in the application.

For support on XPrivacy, please go here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/xprivacy-ultimate-android-privacy-app-t2320783

XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖4)-速報App

If you install OI File Manager, you can select files:


XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖5)-速報App

Exporting and importing can take quite some time, you can read here how you can reduce this:


XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖6)-速報App

Payments are meant as donations to the open source XPrivacy project.

XPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager.

XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖7)-速報App

XPrivacy can prevent applications from leaking privacy sensitive data by restricting the categories of data an application can access. XPrivacy feeds applications fake data or no data at all. It can restrict several data categories, such as contacts or location. For example, if you restrict an application's access to contacts, that application will receive an empty contacts list. Similarly, restricting an application's access to your location will send a fake location to that application.

XPrivacy doesn't revoke or block permissions from an application, so most applications will continue to work as before and won't force close (crash).

XPrivacy pro license fetcher(圖8)-速報App

Read more here: https://github.com/M66B/XPrivacy#xprivacy